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Announcing Symposium "The Translation of Multilingual Films"

07.06.2016        Other articles by: Stavroula

 Next Friday, 17th June, in the context of the International Workshop on Higher Education at the University of Vic - UCC, the symposium The Translation of Multilingual Films will offer an overview of the research project TRAFILM (FFI2014-55952-P).

The seminar will start with a plenary lecture by Dr. Carol O’Sullivan (University of Bristol), who will examine the state of the art on multilingual film translation. This will dialogue with the rest of the interventions, all by TRAFILM members, specialists in audiovisual translation: Dr. Patrick Zabalbeascoa (UPF), Dr. Laura Santamaria (UAB), Dr. Stavroula Sokoli (HOU, CTI), Dr. Miquel Pujol (UVic - UCC), and project coordinators Dr. Montse Corrius (UVic - UCC) and Dr. Eva Espasa (UVic - UCC). They will analyse the theoretical model of the project; its methodological and technological implications and applications, as well as the connections between multilingual films and cultural and ideological issues involved in their translation.


More information on venue and times:



Registration is free but compulsory in order to obtain an attendance certificate.


Please note that you have to include the name of the activity in the registration form: The Translation of Multilingual Films. An Overview of TRAFILM Research Project.

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